The dual coding theory postulates that human brain receive and decode information in two senses, visual and verbal. Therefore when making a PowerPoint presentation it is quite important to not only include the textual content, but to reinforce the presentation with visual presentations like infographics. This will be to help my verbal contribution when I present these PowerPoint presentation and also engage the audience by using “I” “you” in order for them to feel involved.
It is quite important to understand the concept of flow in order to properly empower people in the creative process and engage in deep and meaningful work. Understanding flow theory can help trigger the audience participation and engagement in the online content (“Flow (CsĂkszentmihályi) – Learning Theories”, 2021).

Understanding theories is an important part of understanding how the human brain works in order to properly utilize multimedia tools in a way that will be efficiently comprehended. is a very interactive multimedia tool available for presenting learning portfolio and also present educational elements in an engaging model. The use of can present some drawbacks which majorly relates to the fact that physical aspect of learner-tutor is absent.
Today’s videos were very enlightening I got to understand how to utilize theories on human brain and psychology to engage people in an online environment in a ways I have never known before. The practicality of the theory was an interesting part of the learning process I learnt to practice passive theoretical contracts.
Flow (CsĂkszentmihályi) – Learning Theories. Learning Theories. (2021). Retrieved 24 January 2021, from,Summary%3A%20Flow%20is%20an%20optimal%20psychological%20state%20that%20people%20experience,of%20personal%20and%20work%20satisfaction.
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